Focal Systems, Inc.
What We Do
Focal Systems is the industry leader in retail automation solutions. By digitizing store shelves hourly and unleashing FocalOS, retailers unlock huge operational efficiencies, optimized merchandising, and streamlined supply chains which deliver impactful financial results. Focal is transforming retail by empowering store management to make automated, data-driven decisions. We are the operating system of retail.
Categories (8)
In-Store Analytics, Electronic Shelf Systems and Inventory Management, Store Performance Analytics, Task Management, Assortment/Category Management, Retail Revenue Optimization, Fulfillment & Replenishment Services, Robotics, Automation, Drones
1300 Old Bayshore Highway
Suite 255
Burlingame, CA 94030
United States

Products, Press Releases, and Show Specials

Title Category Company
Store Walk Products Focal Systems, Inc.
Shelf Cameras Products Focal Systems, Inc.