What We Do
For over 30 years Indyme has been providing leading retailers with customer engagement and active loss prevention solutions. Installed in over 30,000 stores, Indyme's Smart Response Platform provides instant awareness of actionable events in stores. We can deliver alerts and messages to store associates over virtually any communications device from analog and digital radios, to Smart Devices, Third-party communicators, pagers or even your overhead PA. Our leading applications include customer help buttons, fitting room management, pushout protection, sweep detection, automated customer assist - and the industry's only self-service locked cases - Freedom Case. If you have a challenge in your stores, one of our solution consultants can devise a system which is customized to your staffing model, customer engagement approach, or even your loss prevention policies. Indyme is unique in that the same solution can serve both store operations and loss prevention needs all in one solution
Categories (8)
AI Customer Service Solutions, Customer Data Management, Click and Collect, Electronic Shelf Systems and Inventory Management, Voice: Services: Wireline/Wireless, Customer Engagement, Tags, Labels and Merchandising Aids, Security Systems Equipment and Services
8295 Aero Place
Suite 260
San Diego, CA 92123
United States

Products, Press Releases, and Show Specials

Title Category Company
Customer Assist Buttons Products Indyme
Freedom Case - The only Self-Service Locked Case Products Indyme