Seek AI
What We Do
Seek AI is an agentic AI powered data analytics platform for e-commerce, Shopify, and CPG brands that allows you to ask your customer data questions in plain language questions and get back answers you need fast. Improve your retail analytics with a powerful natural language interface for data to guide your sales, marketing, promotional campaigns, product inventory, and more. Seek is a smart and easy way to get critical insights to inform better business outcomes, like a ChatGPT for Shopify data.

For example, with Seek AI, Shopify store teams saved 30 minutes per day in the first week of use. Seek helped Shopify businesses re-engage 8,000 dormant customers with insights to guide targeted discount campaigns, sales improvements, and customer retention. Seek can identify optimal send times for Shopify stores to enhance marketing campaign effectiveness. Compared to stock analytic tools, Seek provides a more reliable source of truth for better decision-making.

Categories (8)
Data Analysis of Business Information
Suite 1305, 299 Broadway
New York, NY 10007
United States

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