Consumer Use Tax

Use automation to help manage consumer use tax across your business

Self-assess your consumer use tax liability without relying on complicated spreadsheets or expensive custom solutions.

  1. Catch vendor errors early.  Consumer use tax issues often occur when vendors don’t collect sales tax on taxable items or charge the wrong tax rate. Manually verifying every incoming invoice can be impossible, but Avalara automatically checks each one according to jurisdiction rates and rules.

  2. Stay focused on the right tasks.  Unburden your finance team and reduce human error with automation. Avalara uses built-in tax rates and user-defined rules to help determine consumer use tax across multiple locations and in complex transactions.

  3. Improve cash flow. Avalara helps identify overbilled tax on purchases to keep you from overpaying. It also makes it easier to assess and pay consumer use tax owed, so you can avoid the fines and fees for underpaying.

  4. Create a central source of data.  Use a single database of consumer use tax information to maintain a clean audit trail of your self-assessment decisions.

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