Paper Receipts on the Chopping Block

Yocuda, the leading digital receipt platform, has found that 77% of shoppers in the UK would be more likely to switch to digital receipts if they knew how many trees were cut down to produce the paper versions (an astonishing 200,000 trees are cut down annually just for receipts in the UK). For younger generations, the demand for change is even louder - 87% of 18-25-year-olds would opt for digital receipts in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of paper ones. 

Yocuda’s data reveals that 96% of shoppers believe using digital receipts will contribute to reducing environmental harm. 85% expect a reduction in paper receipts in the next five years whilst only 6% think it will stay the same. In fact, 57% of UK consumers expressed a desire for more retailers to offer digital receipts instead of paper ones. Sustainability policies are now also key to shoppers, with nearly 7 in 10 shoppers (69%) saying a retailer’s sustainability policy influences their decision to shop with them, with this figure jumping to 85% for the younger generation (18-25). e


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